The whole week I wasn’t quite myself, as Mama said. And she was right. My canine teeth were bugging me. I couldn’t chew on my favorite bully stick, I didn’t want to play with my toys that much and I could only eat soft things.

Both of my lower jaw canines were about to fall out. Outch! That was painful. They didn’t want to come out for a few days until yesterday. I met my doggy friends in the neighborhood and we played and played and all of a sudden Moxie’s mom spotted some blood stains on her fur and asked everybody who’s blood that was. Uuups. Guess would have been mine…

I didn’t even realize that I’ve lost both of my lower jaw canines until they told me about it. Phew…Glad it happened while I was playing. Otherwise I would probably have had to cry a bit.

But now, I have 2 big holes in my mouth and my tongue doesn’t stay at its place. :-(

But I can feel the adult teeth coming now. Wohooo

And best of all the tooth fairy came and brought some super delicious chicken liver treats. Mama said she made them, but we all know it was the tooth fairy, don’t we? Tee-hee


This entry was posted on Saturday, September 10th, 2011 at 9:13 AM and is filed under my life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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