I love living in Northern California. It’s really nice, especially when you can hang out at the beach in January. Because of all my hair, I’m not sĀ huge fan of summer and warm temperatures, but sunshine and a little breeze are always welcome.
Just recently, my Mama and Papa took to me to Fort Funston. It’s incredible here.Ā Lots of lovely dogs here to play with. I heard that the leash policy is in dispute for some time now, but please please please don’t make this awesome spot as dog unfriendly as most of the rest of California’s Beaches. There aren’t an awfully lot of opportunities for a dog to run free, and we most certainly need some exercise too. Just like the humans do. So please, don’t make us stop running off-leash here whom ever it may concern. There’s plenty of room for humans to hang out without having dogs around, so please let us keep this spot. Thanks
So far to the dog policy. Now to my awesome day at Fort Funston.
I had sooooooo much fun! I met tons of lovely dogs with whom I was playing, chasing and jumping in the water. Yes! I jumped in the Pacific. It was wonderful and I wasn’t that scared any more of the waves. Ok, I didn’t go in very far, but Mama said that I shouldn’t anyways.
But Papa even joined me at one point. That was so much fun! Both of us running along the beach. Wohooooooooo
After a few hours of playtime, I was barely able to climb up the stairs to the parking lot again. And the second I was in the car, I fell asleep.
Unfortunately, I had to have a bath in the evening, because I was all sandy and my hair was sticky from all this salty water. But it was totally worth it.
Hope we’ll be able to run of-leash here for ever and that the humans let us keep Fort Funston.